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“See the Bible Come to life as you walk in the footsteps of Jesus.”

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Our Services

Roundtrip air

We schedule and book for you roundtrip flights from your city of origin.

Ground Transportation

Air Conditioned / Heated Motor coaches through your tour.

Custom Itinerary

Choose from one of our existing itineraries or we can customize your own.

Certified Tour Guide

Licensed and certified tour guides will be accompanying you throughout all points of interest.

Breakfast and Dinner

Breakfast and Dinner is served daily.

Hotel Accomodation

Superior First Class and Deluxe Hotel Accommodation for you and your guests.

sample tours

10 Day holy land pilgrimage

"Experience the Bible and walk where Jesus Walked"

Depart your International flight to Tel Aviv. 

Arrive in Tel Aviv where you will be met at the airport for transfer to your hotel. Dinner and Overnight.

A drive North along the Mediterranean coast will take us to Caesarea built by Herod the Great.  Visit the Roman Theater and its ruins.   Continue to Mt. Carmel for a visit to Elijah’s cave.  Continue to Megiddo “Armageddon”, a very important strategic point on the Via Maris connecting Egypt and Damascus.  Off to Mount Pricipice and a view of the city of Nazareth.  Continue to Cana for a visit to where the first miracle took place.  Proceed to your hotel in Tiberias for dinner and overnight.

This morning board a boat on the calm surface of the Sea of Galilee, cruising toward Capernaum.  Upon landing, visit the site where Jesus started His Ministry, the house of Peter and the Synagogue where Jesus was teaching.  Continue to Tabgha, the site of the Multiplication of Loaves and Fish. See the 4th century mosaics.  Drive to the top of the Mount of Beatitudes overlooking the Sea and surrounding area. In the afternoon drive to the Golan Heights in Upper Galilee. Visit the Sources of the Jordan River, Caesarea Philippi at Banias, view Tel Dan.  Return to the exit of the Jordan River from the Sea of Galilee where a Baptismal Service will take place. Return to your hotel in Tiberias for dinner and overnight.

Leave Tiberias and drive through Beit Shean, another historic city.  Proceed along the Jordan Valley to Jericho and Tel El Sultan and see the ruins of the oldest city in the world.  View Mount of Temptation, where Jesus fasted for 40 days and 40 nights. Visit Elisha’s Fountain before continuing to the original Baptismal site of Jesus at the Jordan River.  Proceed to Jerusalem for dinner and overnight at your hotel.

Today takes you to the Mount of Olives with its outstanding views of the city. Visit the Chapel of Ascension, Church of Pater Noster, Garden of Gethsemane as well as the Church of All Nations.  View the Kidron Valley. From here we drive South to the little town of Bethlehem with a visit to the Church of Nativity.   We will also go to The Shepherd’s Fields and the Fields of Boaz and Ruth.  From here we proceed to Herodium.  Upon return to Jerusalem visit Mount Zion; the site where Jesus accomplished His Ministry.  Visit the room of the Last Supper as well as the Tomb of King David and the House of Caiaphas.  Return to your hotel in Jerusalem for dinner and overnight.

This morning drive into the wilderness of the Judean Desert to the lowest place on earth!  Drive along the shores of the Dead Sea to Masada; a fortress that stands 2000 feet above sea level hosting the most dramatic site of Jewish history. From here we will stop at the Falls of Ein Gedi.  Continue with a visit to Qumran, the site where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered by a shepherd boy. A float in the mineral rich waters of the Dead Sea is part of our excursion. Enjoy its healing wonders with its high salt and mineral content and mud.  Upon our return to Jerusalem we will stop at the Home of Lazarus, Mary and Martha.  Dinner and overnight Jerusalem.

Visit the Garden Tomb and Gordon’s Calvary, the site where Jesus was crucified, buried, and resurrected.  There will be a Special Communion Service at the Garden Tomb. Proceed towards the city walls built by Sulieman enclosing the most Holy sites in the world. Walk into history as you enter the Old City of Jerusalem. Stroll the picturesque colorful bazaars, neighborhoods and narrow streets as you make your way to the superb Temple Area, where Solomon’s Temple was built on Mount Moriah.  In the afternoon, start at Saint Stephen’s Gate and back into the Old City to visit the Church of Saint Anne, the Pool of Bethesda, the Lithostrotos, Pilate’s Judgment Hall as well as a walk on the Via Dolorosa leading us to the Church of the Holy Sepulchure.  Walk through the bazaars to the Citadel and take the bus from Jaffa Gate. Dinner and overnight Jerusalem.

Visit the Shrine of the Book the home of the famous Dead Sea Scrolls.  Also, you will visit the model of Jerusalem as it was laid out during the time of Christ.  Continue to the Valley of Elah; the site for the battle of David and Goliath.   Dinner and overnight Jerusalem.

Transfer to Tel Aviv Airport for return flight home.

12 day inspirational pilgrimage

"Trace the footsteps of our Lord Jesus and His Disciples"

Depart your international flight to Tel Aviv. 

Upon arrival in Tel Aviv you will be met at the airport for transfer to your hotel for Dinner and Overnight. 

We begin our visit to Israel exploring the ruins of Caesarea Maritima, the great city mentioned throughout the Book of Acts and home of the first Gentile convert.  We visit Herod’s Palace, the Roman Amphitheater, the Hippodrome and the ancient harbor.  From there, we travel to Megiddo, Solomon’s Chariot City and the location of Armageddon, the final battle of all mankind.  We proceed to our hotel on the shores of the Sea of Galilee for dinner and overnight

In the morning, we travel to Nazareth, the boyhood town of Jesus, and then to Cana to visit the site of the first recorded miracle.  In the afternoon, we visit Capernaum, the home town of Jesus, including Peter’s house and the Synagogue where Jesus loved to teach.  We travel to the Mount of the Beatitudes for a time of study and reflection and  conclude the day with a special baptismal service in the Jordan River.  We return to our hotel for dinner and overnight.

In the morning, we board a boat and sail the Sea of the Galilee toward Korazin, one of the three cities where Jesus performed most of his mighty miracles (Matthew 11), as well as other sites on the eastern shore.   We continue to Tabgha, the site of Peter’s calling, and Dalmanutha, the location where Jesus prepared breakfast for his disciples.  In the afternoon, we visit Magdala (the recently discovered hometown of Mary Magdalene) and we conclude the day with a walk on the Gospel Trail, the ancient road from Nazareth to the Sea of Galilee which Jesus would have walked many times,  We overnight on the shores of the Sea of Galilee.

From Tiberias, we continue to Beit Shean, one of the Decapolis cities in the time of Jesus. Known for its connections with Saul in the Old Testament, excavations at Beit Shean have uncovered eighteen layers of habitation. The Roman Amphitheater is the best preserved in all of Israel.  We proceed along the Jordan Valley to Jericho and Tel El Sultan, ruins of one of the oldest cities in the world.  We view the Mount of Temptation where Jesus fasted for 40 days and nights and continue to Jerusalem for dinner and overnight. 

This morning we drive into the wilderness of Judea to visit Masada where the Zealots held the last foothold before they sacrificed their lives for their liberty.  The ruins of the Roman Camps still surround the fortress and the ruins speak to the visitors about the Glory of Masada. We travel to Qumran, the site where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered and then to En Gedi where David hid in the caves from Saul. Enough time is provided to visit the Waterfalls of En Gedi.  We conclude the day with a swim in the Dead Sea and then return to Jerusalem for dinner and overnight.

We begin on the Mount of Olives with its outstanding view of the city of Jerusalem. Visit Dominus Flevit (where Jesus wept over Jerusalem), the Garden of Gethsemane and the Church of All Nations. Driving past the Kidron Valley, we head toward Bethlehem for a visit to the Church of the Nativity, the Shepherd’s Fields (with caves used by shepherds two thousand years ago) and the Fields of Ruth and Boaz. Dinner and overnight in Jerusalem

We begin the day with a visit to Herodion, Herod’s mountain fortress and palace that he built just outside of Bethlehem.  We continue to Bethany, home of Mary, Martha and Lazarus.  After lunch, we travel to Mount Zion for a visit to the Upper Room of the Last Supper.  We walk down the hill to the House of Caiaphas where Jesus was tried and held prisoner and the same courtyard where Peter denied knowing Jesus three times.  The ruins of the Roman steps that Jesus would have walked from Gethsemane that night remain to this day. We conclude the day with a visit to the model of the ancient city and the Shrine of the Book which encloses the Dead Sea Scrolls

We enter the old city through the Dung Gate for a visit to the Southern Stairs. In Jesus’ day, these stairs provided access to the Temple and they were the location where Jesus did much of his teaching.  We continue to the Wailing Wall and The Western Wall Tunnel.  After lunch, we visit The Temple Institute where the garments and other instruments are being prepared for the Third Temple.  After lunch in the Jewish Quarter, we stroll through picturesque, colorful bazaars in the old city, with time allowing for shopping, much in the same way shoppers did in the time of Christ.  Overnight in Jerusalem.

On our final day in Israel, we enter the Old City through Saint Stephen’s Gate.  After a visit to the Church of Saint Anne and the Pools of Bethesda, we begin walking the Via Dolorosa to the Church of Flagellation and Lithostrotos (Pilate’s Judgment Hall).  We continue along the Via Dolorosa through the old City as we walk the same route Jesus walked to the cross two thousand years ago.  At the end of this very special day, we will visit the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and the Garden Tomb and Gordon’s Calvary, the site where Jesus was crucified, buried, and resurrected – highlighted by a communion service at the Garden Tomb. Return to hotel for Dinner and Overnight

We transfer from Jerusalem to the airport in Tel-Aviv for our flights back home. 


While visiting the Holy Land add an extension to Amman, Jordan or Journey the Footsteps of Paul to Greece with and Greek Island Cruise, call for details.